Posts: 35
Joined: Thu Aug 25, 2005 12:12 am

Notification of installations terminated by constraints

We have a few constraints put into the installer program that prevent people from installing our software on machines with less than a certain amount of RAM, or if they are running an OS that's too old, or if they don't have Admin rights.

It would be very helpful for us to receive notification of some sort when the installer exits because these criteria are not met.

Perhaps you could add a callback function that simply transmits the error message to a URL?

Similar to the uninstallation open a URL built-in custom action.
Posts: 259
Joined: Thu Jul 14, 2005 12:56 pm
Location: Craiova, Romania
Contact: Website


This could be achieved with the use of a some custom actions.

When a constraint appears and the package is not installed a property could be set to a certain value. Then you could use some custom actions of type "Launch File or Open URL" to open the URL. You could condition their execution by the value of the property to make sure that they are executed only when a requirement is not met.

Please let me know if you encounter any problems.

Best regards,
Ciprian Burca
Advanced Installer Team
Posts: 35
Joined: Thu Aug 25, 2005 12:12 am

We are using the built-in constraints in Advanced Installer, not a custom action, so how do I set a property based on the results of those constraints?

For example, we have a Launch Condition which states that if the machine reports less than 445MB of physical RAM, abort the installation.

Also, we require Win2K SP4 or better, which is selected from a pull-down menu, also in the Launch Constraints section.

How can I set a property from within a Launch Constraint?
Posts: 259
Joined: Thu Jul 14, 2005 12:56 pm
Location: Craiova, Romania
Contact: Website


Here is how you could achieve what you want:

- First of all in the "Conditions Page" leave both boxes checked as so
no validation will be made. We will use a custom launch condition to
test the OS.

- In the "Install Parameters" page create two properties, say RamAmount
and TargetOS. Set their values to 0;

- Now go to the "Custom Actions" page. Create two "Property Set With
Formatted" custom actions under the InstallUISequence->AppSearch
standard action.

Configuration of the first custom action:
Property Name - RamAmount
Formatted text - 1
Condition - PhysicalMemory < 445

Configuration of the second custom action:
Property Name - TargetOS
Formatted text - 1
Condition - ((VersionNT > 500) OR ((VersionNT = 500)
AND (ServicePackLevel >= 4)))

The create another custom action of type "Launch File or Open URL" and condition it by (RamAmount = 1) OR (TargetOS = 1)

- Now Switch to the Launch Conditions page.
Create two launch conditions

Configuration of the first Launch Condition
Condition - RamAmount = 0
Description - Your Description

Configuration of the second Launch Condition
Condition - TargrtOS = 0
Description - Your Description

Please let me know if you encounter any problems.

Best regards,
Ciprian Burca
Advanced Installer Team

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