Posts: 1
Joined: Mon Dec 14, 2015 6:46 pm

Use of multiple mirrors for web installations

I am currently building a web installer to host my program and

1) I need the option of additional mirrors (More than the default of 2 mirrors) as I'm currently using multiple free file hosting to store the files.

2) Is it possible to implement something like IA where each feature can be downloaded via a separate URL. The reason is because places like Google drive don't host files in a directory tree setting, with each file having a unique id.

The reason why I'm not using IA to build my app is due to the fact that IA's program updater always has errors downloading new files while AI's updating process is never broken for me.

Looking forward to the implementation of these features! :D

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Joined: Mon Apr 02, 2012 1:11 pm
Contact: Website

Re: Use of multiple mirrors for web installations

Hello Brandon and welcome to our forums,

I think this scenario (of uploading the MSI and CAB files to different URLs) should be avoided when including the CAB file inside the MSI. So, can you please proceed like this:
1. go to "Builds page -> Configuration tab" and check the "Include the CAB file into the MSI database" option
2. rebuild your project and upload the MSI file on your web server

This way you will have to upload on your web server only the MSI file. Let us know if this helped, otherwise please give us more details about your scenario.

All the best,
Daniel Radu - Advanced Installer Team
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